Gas Plant – Amur Leopard protection – News

Unfortunately the subject Gas Plant close to the protection area for the Amur Leopards is still under discussion and there had been recently a hearing regarding this annoying subject:„Hearing of LNG-plant Vladivostok in the Perevoznaya bay took place on 4 of July 2014.


Public hearing and discussion, Hassansky Restrict

The authorities of Khasansky disctrict are coming out actively in support of plant construction and trying to convince local people of plant’s absolute safety for environment and health, and are declaring plant’s Utility.
The direction of national park “Land of leopards” does not object to construction. Although other ecologists consider that the leopards will leave the territory of protected woodland after start of constuction activities and explosive works.

The most qualified specialists of the RAN (Russain Academy of Science, Far Eastern Branch).assume, that the construction in this region should be prohibited and stopped considering the following reasons:

  1. This district of Primorsky krai has seismic risks.
  2. The materials and documents, being presented to the general public and society, extremely underreport the level of hazardous risks and environmental impact.
  3. Impact on sea bioresources is not taken into account.
  4. Bays and coasts bordering on appointed construction place are the most prospective for developing aquaculture.
  5. All the territory bordering on supposed construction place is of great importance as recreation resource.

And the struggle is to be continued. Ecologists together with lawyers keep on fighting against plant constuction in Khasansky district of Primorsky krai, such unique and beautiful place, rich with its biodiversity.“

The expected negative influence is obviously not only affecting Amur Leopard and Amur Tiger protection, it is rather of importance for the whole district and the environment.

Let’s hope the best and keep the fingers crossed for our Amur Leopard friends.

Special thanks to Tatyana form Wladiwostok, who prepares all News and actual information for us!

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