Neuer Zwischenbericht aus Russland, betreffend „geplante LNG Anlage“ im Bereich der Amur-Leoparden Schutzgebiete.
Gazprom ignoriert sowohl die Einwände von Umweltschützern und Aktivisten als auch der Öffentlichkeit. Dies erschwert natürlich die Findung eines gemeinsamen Konsens zum Wohle von Umwelt, Tier und Natur. Wissenswert ist jetzt, dass Japan starkes Interesse an natürlichem Gasvorkommen hat, wohl auch zurückzuführen auf die Katastrophe mit Fukushima. Dies könnte die Sache weiter beleben.
„… Bis die Probleme in Russland, das heißt, bevor „Gazprom“ nicht mit Umweltschützern und der Öffentlichkeit gesprochen hat, wird Japan wahrscheinlich vorsichtig mit dem LNG-Projekt sein.
Zuvor wurde auch berichtet, dass Umweltschützer Sensibilisierungskampagnen bei den Auftragnehmern und Partnern des Gas Monopols begannen. Insbesondere werden Experten auf dem Gebiet des Umweltschutzes von Primorje direkt mit den Designern der LNG-Anlage in Wladiwostok zusammen arbeiten. Diese Kooperation wird dazu beitragen, eine Umweltkatastrophe im Süden der Region Primorje zu verhindern. Dies wird in einem Brief an den Koordinierungsrat für Umweltfragen der Region Primorje allgemeine Designer der LNG-Anlage in der Khasan Kreis erklärt.“
Drücken wir also die Daumen, dass sich alles im Sinne unserer Großkatzen Amur-Leopard und Amur-Tiger entwickeln wird.
Wer möchte, hier der volle Bericht in englischer Sprache:
Standoff continues
Environmentalists told about the consequences of the LNG project in Vladivostok, the business community in Japan
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While the „Gazprom“ ignores the environmentalists, they explain their position possible partners gas monopoly
Beijing, July 4, PrimaMedia. While the „Gazprom“ pointedly ignores ecologists Primorye on the construction of LNG in Vladivostok, environmentalists have launched an awareness campaign among the possible partners and contractors gas holding. At a meeting on Wednesday, July 3, coastal ecologists discussed the LNG Perevoznaya with representatives of business circles of Japan. During the discussion of the project the Japanese side said it was interested in cooperation with Russia on gas supplies, but the key factor is the price. In addition, while „Gazprom“ will not solve the problems correctly by placing the plant, most likely Japan will be wary of the project, according to RIA PrimaMedia.
After the accident at the Fukushima demand for natural gas in Japan increased. Now the country’s 50 nuclear power plants, but currently only two are working. However, the Japanese government adopted a policy of returning to the use of nuclear power, but in smaller quantities than before. Therefore, the Japanese side is interested in Russian gas supplies, particularly from the Far East. The reason – the geographical proximity. Transportation takes only two days. However, the key question is price – unless Japan finds a more favorable partner, the choice is obvious.
– In general, if we talk about the need for natural gas, it is, and it will rise. But now Japan staged in such conditions that have to buy gas at a very high price. This puts us in a very disadvantageous position, there is a large budget deficit. Very urgent need to purchase energy at an affordable price. In Japan, there are no obstacles to buy Russian gas, if the parties come together in the issue price. But also consider the possibility of buying gas elsewhere if prices there will be more profitable,
– Said of the Institute for Economic Research in Russia and the CIS trade with Japan Association of Russia and the CIS countries ROTOBO Daisuke Saito.
In 2012, the share of Russian gas in the total consumption of natural gas in Japan accounted for about 9%. That is about one-tenth.
– When I first started talking about the LNG project in Vladivostok, he has attracted interest. When, in late April, the Japanese Prime Minister, Mr. Shinzo Abe visited Moscow had expectations that there will be an agreement between „Gazprom“ and the Japanese side on the purchase of gas. But while negotiations continue, discuss the price – Daisuke Saito said.
The expert added that in Japan to follow discussions of the project. It is still not clear is the question as to the place of its realization – Perevoznaya, namely: why the „Gazprom“ is not going to meet the environmentalists and not set up to dialogue. However, even in the case of participation in the project of the Japanese side, the decision on the construction site will take the Russian side.
It should be noted that Mr. Daisuke previously worked on the ecology of the Consulate General of Japan in Vladivostok. He took part in the discussion of the draft oil terminal in Perevoznaya against which also appeared at the head of the public with the environmentalists. Then the Khasan district failed to protect against dangerous production.
Honored ecologist Boris Preobrazhensky said that scientists do not speak against the LNG project, but against Perevoznaya as the location for the plant and for the use of the cleanest technologies in the implementation of the project. In addition, according to the professor, in the case of the choice of the peninsula Danube – an alternative site, which is offered by the scientists – the construction company will be cheaper, as in the designated area with communications: a railway, highway, power lines, and the bay itself is favorable for the construction of the jetty. And this means that the price of gas, which laid the cost of the project, will be less expensive that it is cheaper for Japan.
However, environmentalists pointed out that they are willing to consider other options for placement of the LNG plant and discuss the most promising ones. But while the „Gazprom“ of their treatment ignores. According to the Japanese side, it can become an additional obstacle for the partner of Japan’s participation in the project. Until the issues are resolved in Russia, that is, until the „Gazprom“ will not compromise with environmentalists and the public, Japan, is likely to be wary of the LNG project.
Previously, it was also reported that environmentalists began raising campaign among contractors and partners of the gas monopoly. In particular, experts in the field of environmental protection of Primorye will work directly with the designers of the LNG plant in Vladivostok. Such cooperation will help to prevent an environmental disaster in the south of Primorye. This is stated in a letter to the Coordinating Council on the Environment of Primorsky Krai general designer of the LNG plant in the Khasan district of „VNIPIgazdobycha.“
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